Thursday, September 25, 2014

Senior Class Shirt/Tailgate Party Entry Fee

If you are interested in purchasing a senior class shirt the cost is $15 and is due on Friday, October 3.

The Tailgate Party Entry Fee is also due on October 3 and is $20; the entry fee will cover the cost of the tailgate shirt and meal. 

The Tailgate Party will be held on Thursday, October 15 in the CSI/CSHS parking lot. Seniors will need to bring a 12-pack case of sodas or water.

Please see Erika for details about the class shirt and the Tailgate Party.

Senior Class Concession Stand

The Class of 2015 is responsible for hosting the concession stand for the Freshmen and JV football games on Thursday, October 9. Last year was a huge success and we are expecting the same results. Seniors can sign up to donate items and work during the games in Mr. Escamilla's and Ms. Rodriguez's English classes. The following items are needed:

Nacho chips
Nacho cheese
Hot Cheetos
Candy bars